The All American Roadtrip part 1
This summer I faced the challenge of moving from Chicago back to my original stomping grounds in the Bay Area of California. When I moved to Chicago I flew there with 4 suitcases, which is pretty remarkable considering I am an artist requiring many supplies and tools, not to mention my need for a fun wardrobe. This was actually a refreshing start because it allowed me to build new collections and decorations. By the time I was done there was no way 4 suitcases was going to cut it. Luckily my life partner, Matt had moved out with his truck and the roadtrip was born.
As most plans go, we started out being overly ambitious and indecisive. The hardest part was picking whether to go north or south in our route. There are so many things we want to see in both areas but we finally settled on the north. I will spare you the details of what else was involved in our decision making processes but in essence: We had a limited amount of time and a lot of stuff to fit in the back of the pick up truck and we hit the road 2 days behind schedule.
But we had an amazing time and did a lot of stuff! Here is our brief itinerary and some highlights:
Day 1:
Wisconsin- House on a Rock! Words can not describe how wonderful this place is!
Day 2:
Minnesota- Caves and skyways!
Day 3:
South Dakota-mostly driving
Day 4:
South Dakota- exploring The Badlands and Walldrug :D
Day 5:
Wyoming- Black Hills cave, Devil's Tower
Day 6:
Wyoming- Yellowstone geysers
Day 7:
Wyoming- Jackson Hole and the Tetons
Day 8:
Wyoming, Montana, Idaho- Craters of the Moon
Day 9:
Idaho- worst ghost town ever!
Day 10:
Oregon- Crater lake
Day 11:
California- journey to the center of the bay